It's Fourth of July week! Jackson and Jacob are celebrating by talking about Wendy Wasserstein's play "An American Daughter." The story follows a nominee to Surgeon General, Lyssa Dent Hughes. Lyssa is being interviewed on television when she and her family/friends accidently say a few things that get... misconstrued?... by the media and the country. This sends Lyssa's life and confirmation into chaos. Join us as J&J talk about infidelity, feminism, and the many wrongdoings of President Grant. 


We had so much fun talking about this play, and we’d love to keep the conversation going! What were some of your thoughts if you’ve read or have seen the play? What are you favorite themes? Characters? Plot Points? Or do you disagree with us on any of our thoughts? We’d love to hear from you. Check us out on social media or email at:

Email: [email protected]





Our theme song is “Blessed” by Purple Planet Music. Credit as follows:



Logo Design: Jacob Mann Christiansen

Logo Text: Paralines designed by Lewis Latham of


Thanks so much for listening! We’ll see you next week.


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