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Welcome to Episode 90 of the No Quit Living Podcast.

NQL is a personal development podcast designed to help listeners achieve their goals and desires. Through hearing the inspiring stories and tips from the greats, we will all find it easier to stay motivated.

David is an incredibly young entrepreneur, who has not only accomplished a ton for his age, but also in general. He's only twenty one years old, making him our youngest guest thus far and his story is one that I'm sure you'll be able to relate to. David talks about how in the beginning of his entrepreneurial journey, nobody believed in him. He had to believe in himself and prove his capabilities.

He got his start in real estate at only nineteen years old. Many of his clients were on the fence about putting their biggest purchase in life in the hands of somebody so young, but David was able to prove himself and build a multiple 6-figure real estate career. He's now serving as a coach for driven entrepreneurs, who have been in business for under 5 years. He has selected this niche, because it's one that he can relate to and David certainly has the ability to help them go above and beyond. Be sure to check out another project of his called The Rocket Entrepreneur, that not only features NQL host, Christopher J. Wirth, but many other inspiring influencers as well.


Rocket Entrepreneur: