Previous Episode: NQL 074 - Tucker Max

Welcome to Episode 75 of the No Quit Living Podcast.

NQL is a personal development podcast designed to help listeners achieve their goals and desires. Through hearing the inspiring stories and tips from the greats, we will all find it easier to stay motivated.

We have been trying to get Hal Elrod on our show since March of last year, so we are thrilled to finally have had the pleasure of speaking with him!

Hal's "no-quit" story is nothing shy of insane, and his positive attitude and story of overcoming depression is even more unfathomable. Hal has cheated death a few times now. When he was only twenty years old, a drunk driver going over 80mph on the wrong side of the highway hit him head on, causing him to spin out. This incident left Hal dead for 6 minutes, and in a coma for a week. Thankfully, he was able to be revived and despite doctors telling him his brain was severely damaged and he may never walk again, Hal is walking today and created the Miracle Morning Ritual - The perfect morning ritual to set you up for success, with an incredible community behind it. Hal's story doesn't end there. He also lost most of his clients when the market crashed in 2008, and battled a rare cancer that almost killed him once again, but today in 2017, Hal's business is thriving and he is in remission. He also talks about how toxic the concept of "perfection" is and that it doesn't exist outside of your own perspective. Using Hal's "SAVERS" morning ritual, your life will be set for happiness and success.


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