Taking Responsibility:

 Raising Responsible Youth” In this episode, we delve into the contentious topic of disciplining children and the consequences of removing traditional disciplinary methods from schools. We explore the notion of treating children like adults when they engage in violent behavior, challenging parents to step up and fulfill their roles as guardians rather than friends. 

These days, there's a decline in respecting our elders. It's crucial to honor and cherish your parents and grandparents. Neglecting them not only shortens their days but also deprives younger generations of valuable lessons in respect. Let's ensure we pass on these vital teachings for a brighter future.

Social Media Reality Check: 

The Dark Side of Online Visibility” Join us as we confront the disturbing trend of desensitization and apathy on social media platforms, particularly in response to graphic and disturbing content. We examine the implications of passively consuming such content and the responsibility we hold as individuals in shaping online discourse. 

 America Unmasked:

 Confronting Hypocrisy and Injustice” In this episode, we shine a spotlight on the stark realities of discrimination, profiling, and injustice in America. From the systemic biases ingrained in our institutions to the everyday experiences of marginalized individuals, we challenge listeners to confront uncomfortable truths and strive for a more equitable society. Join us as we navigate through these thought-provoking subjects with candid conversations and unfiltered perspectives. 

All men and women children are  equal  we need a roof over their heads and need to be fed and have proper health care. I don't know that I believed that, or even understood that, in the early days. 

 Let's remember to never discredit someone else's hustle; we all have a bit of hustle within us. Some simply excel at it more than others. It's not about being inadequate; sometimes, you just need a bit more time to find your stride. Blessings on your journey.

As human beings, we should never stop helping one another. But if you don’t have good intentions  should know everyone has a day. 

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