I’m sure you’ve all had these moments in life thinking, “what am I living for?” “We get up, go to work, come home, just to start all over again. You think “those people smiling have got it all”. “How do they do it, is it something I can have?” As a kid you may have dreamed of something you want to be one day. It was then either ridiculed or supported. As an adult, you may ask yourself “what am I here for?”

Have you ever wondered what it’s like knowing your life purpose? When you’re in a state of surviving, (the necessities of shelter, food, etc), the focus is then no longer on you, but on survival, and this will then deplete your energy. Thus, you will not be able to serve as purpose is big on serving. Serving others when your cup is empty, leads to depression, depletion, tiredness and sickness. In life, there will be highs and lows, but that’s all part of growing. I call it an adventure.

POINTS OF INTEREST: Have you achieved what you’ve always dreamt of? Is there something still missing? How do you find that inner satisfaction of knowing you’ve achieved what you set out to do in life Get clarity of the process I have written a Book called Soul’d Out: A Guide to Finding Your Life Purpose. Within this book, there is a 50-page workbook where I ask the reader questions to get the answers within you, to assist you in knowing yourself and your core. Disclaimer: “When your soul is not ready to receive, you won’t be able to see, hear or read anything here, to give you your answers SASHKA SAID:

“Finding your life purpose does not define your profession or your career, it’s not what you wanted to become or your ‘why’, but rather the core of who you are”.

“You were not made in a day, you needed time”.

“Whilst you were being created, growing up with good or bad influences, you consequently changed into who you are today”.

“The most important person in your life – is you.”

“Take care of yourself first or everything else will ‘swallow you up’.”

“No-one cares about you, the way you can and should care about yourself.”

“Finding your purpose, gives you clarity and direction in life.”


Mother of three. Born in South Africa, now resides in Austria. At the age of 7 I had a lead role in the Ugly Duckling (I was the Ugly Duckling). I had to advertise myself, the cast and the show and loved it! At that young age I did not yet know about marketing and advertising, but, I guess the ‘bug’ bit me then. I went on to study Marketing and Advertising in South Africa then moved to London with the intention to study performance further, but nothing came of that. My boyfriend at that time suggested we go on holiday in the Tyrolean Alps in Austria. Which is where I met my husband. This is where I’ve been for the past 22 years. My love for Marketing and Advertising got me a job at a large Company in Austria where I worked for about 8 years. I left this company when I was expecting my first born.

I’ve never been one to be a ‘stay-at-home mom’ and had strong feelings of starting my own business. After many years of trials, I’ve finally found my purpose which is a Branding/Marketing/Advertising & Sales Strategist – Author/Speaker and Thought Leader. Sashka created Soul Brand Marketing©. In-between the No Name Brand interviews, she meets up with inspiring influencers who have surpassed the beginner “Brand-stages’ and are now ‘influencing’ and challenging others. Today she is the Founder and Creator of Brand Your Soul® and Soul Brand Marketing®


“Thoughts become things”

“Only the impossible is possible” – Allice in Wonderland


Soul’d Out: A Guide to Finding Your Life Purpose – Sashka Hanna-Rappl

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho







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