In today’s episode we talk about connecting with the experience of our soul. Doing so will provide insight for discerning your business and energy signature.  Understanding what your soul needs also sheds light on your genuine and unique pathway to success.  With a powerful modality of reflection, your true sense of self may be uncovered through authenticity and creativity.

TOPICS DISCUSSED IN THIS PODCAST EPISODE: Claiming our gifts with confidence. Listening to our soul. Understanding ourselves and how we can serve others. Embracing pivotal moments in our lives and seeing how they have shaped you. Accessing the unseen aspect of experiences. Giving others permission to be authentic by embracing your own authenticity. Claiming and owning our authenticity with confidence. Being creative and connecting with who you are. Recognizing that your answers can be found within your soul. SAMAYA ADELIN SAID:

“I did create a modality which is a very grounded tool of reflection.”

“Our life is an accumulation of events . .  .[taking time] to have a close look [unearths incredible amounts] of information that can be so fundamental in the way we move forward.”

“Become curious about that process and about the messages that the soul is very clearly showing us day in and day out.”

“Knowing ourselves is quite key.”

“Learn how to be more authentic.”

“Stepping into my authentic self. . and claiming who I am.”

“We are the artists of our own life.”

“I see my own life as the ultimate artistic project.”

“Our soul wants us to have an adventure.”

“We are here to have fun creating.  It’s not our business alone, it's our lives that we are here to create.”


Samaya is a 39-year-old Soul Streaming Alchemy Coach and Energy coach based in Brighton UK where she lives with her 4-year-old son Chaska.

In 2015, during a 5-week long illness, Samaya ended up losing 95% of her hearing and a lot of her body weight, whilst on high temperature and unable to leave her bed. Sometime during a phase of extreme pain, Samaya went into a spontaneous deep state of consciousness in which blissed out, she ended up having a life changing communication with a being that has helped her alter the course of her life.

Coming out of that illness, Samaya left her work in human rights where she specialized in helping her client groups find freedom and independence through her programs and systems creation, to re-training as a coach and developing her own modality Soul Streaming Alchemy.

Through her formula and 1-2-1 work, she now supports others in understanding the purpose, energy and mission of their soul, before helping them ground these qualities into proven offerings, programs, courses and aligning their business with that soul mission.

Samaya does that by mixing her grounded experience of working for organisations in Human rights and bringing her practical expertise in program and system creation, along with her coaching training and 10 years’ experience as a Master Healer and energy coach and of course by diving deep into her clientele’s  mission and purpose through soul streaming alchemy.

Soul Streaming Alchemy can be particularly good for those who at times feel too close to their gifts to see them for what they are and would like to unearth their purpose and signature energy with a bit more precision and clarity in their life and business.

She has worked with people all over the world and will soon launch her 6-month Soul Streaming Alchemy Academy which will help people establish their purpose, offerings and mission whilst helping them release the energy from what often presents as  unconscious sabotaging of our growth.


“Your Soul is Your Biggest Teacher,
Your Coach is the Teaching Assistant,
When the Two Learn to Collaborate,
You Are onto A Winner.”

-Samaya Teja Adelin


The War of Art –  Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles  by Steven Pressfield


Facebook group (women only): Soul Streaming Alchemists

Facebook page: Samaya Adelin-Soul Streaming Alchemy Coaching

Instagram: Samaya_Adelin



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