In today’s episode we talk about uncovering your truth to find your purpose, taking the leap to get the result, why stretching yourself out of your comfort zone can help you achieve your goals, mindset practices, gratitude and how you can take on what society says to create goals for yourself that you don’t really want.

TOPICS DISCUSSED IN THIS PODCAST EPISODE: The three steps to turning your dreams to reality. Why slow contribution towards a goal helps reach success. Conscious choices, working out what you want & honouring that. How having one intention can help you grow and give you courage. Limiting beliefs and not finish accomplishing your goal. “Losing weight”, mindset work and taking control. The importance of putting you and your needs first. The danger of postponing something in life. SUSIE RAMROOP SAID:

“Why inflict so much fear? When you can gradually work towards achieving your goal”

“You don’t need the whole way lit up, just the next 200 yards”

“Control is what you put in place when you don’t trust yourself”

“I will be happy when xyz, the key to be happy with what you have now”

“People will benefit by facilitating them to the end point instead of giving answers”



At the age of 11 Miss Nunnery, my favourite teacher, packed me off to high school with the advice: “don’t give them all the answers”.  It took years for this to resonate with me – the notion that you can serve people, be they your employees, or your children, much more powerfully if you listen and ask the important questions.  The really big juicy ones that they may be hiding from, but once asked seem to provide relief.  The answers will come from inside them; they will own them, and they will decide if they are right for them.  This is true Coaching.

As a leader, I am inspiring, motivating, and articulate.  I pride myself on bringing empowerment, clarity of purpose and enormous energy to ensure people realise results and enjoy the process.  This is also true of me being a Coach and a friend!

I have a wealth of experience which has contributed to who I am and how I approach things having worked in the Media, and Directed teams in the private and public sectors, but it hasn’t defined me.

Seniority was expected of me back then, so I rose to the mantle, but I was stuck on a hamster wheel.  I made what looked to others like bold and brave attempts to get off it by changing sector twice, and deciding to become single after a long time.  Even though I qualified as a Coach 11 years ago, and was clocking up coaching hours, I hadn’t realised that it was my true purpose in life.  The thing that would make me really want to get out of bed in the morning.

I became so tired of acting like I enjoyed all of the things I was doing because really those things were part of attempting to gain approval, acceptance, and love.  I was hoping that other people would give me the answers rather than looking into myself to find them.  So I decided to practice on myself, and this is how I know that my brand of Coaching works.

I have found my passion in life and am well on my own journey to personal mastery.  I love Coaching, whether I am receiving it or providing it!  I love the relief, the excitement, the penny dropping, the eager anticipation, the trepidation, the sudden realisation, the stillness, the decisiveness, the indignation, the strength, the vulnerability, the honesty, the commitment, the resistance, and so much more.

It’s taught me that I am worthy of success by my own design, today, not at a time reaching into the distant future.  I am confident in my value, and not willing to defer the celebration of me anymore!

Discover 9 Ways You Could Be Playing Small here - and also take a look at Susie's upcoming event - The Self-Love Luncheon – click here to view the event.






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