In this episode we talk about Laura Jane’s journey from being her biggest bully to reconnecting to her personal power and completely transforming her life. We talk about the power of trusting the divine, believing in your unique power and developing an inner guidance system to support you in your life.

TOPICS DISCUSSED IN THIS PODCAST EPISODE: Transformational moments in life. Divine intervention, the power of meditation and inner guidance systems. The effect of humour and smiling on your emotional state. Young people, the educational system and the power of expressing creativity. The journey of breaking habits, the power of choice and visualisation. Developing an inner guidance system to support you in your life. HEAR MORE ABOUT LAURA JANE MCKEOWN:

Hello, I'm Laura. I am a Reiki Energy Healer, Angel Oracle and Self Love Spiritual Coach. I share intuitive guidance, healing and loving support to help women discover both safety and freedom and feel reconnected to their truest self and personal power.

After spending almost a life time learning how to be my own biggest bully, I went through episodes of self harm, depression, anxiety, eating disorders and alcohol abuse. I was extremely sensitive and was starving for love and approval outside of myself. I was lost, afraid and I didn't accept who I was. My outer world soon became a reflection of my inner world and I was often a victim of verbal, emotional and physical abuse and found myself in dangerous situations, where one day I almost lost my life.

This was my wake up call and what I refer to as my blessing in disguise. That night I was guided back to safety by an angelic force and was gifted a second chance at life. I had a new deep sense of gratitude for life, but I began to suffer from PTSD. I would experience terrifying panic attacks constantly, I couldn't sleep and my body began to suffer. I had developed many phobias including medication for depression and anxiety and was referred to a panic attack group. We would all share our stories and what it was like to have a panic attack. I would always return home feeling ten times worse, struggling through depersonalisation and disassociation. My friends and family could no longer connect to me.

I realised that I did not want this to be something that I had to live with and manage for the rest of my life. I believed that if I created it I could also change it. Every time I had a panic attack I believed that I was going to die and I would write letters to myself and my family promising that if I survived this I would become more loving, positive and make the most of myself and my life. This made me realise what was most important to me and who I really was. I decided to take healing into my own hands, skipped my whole final year of university to study self healing. I recovered from PTSD and was soon guided to many spiritual teachers and practices including reiki. I began giving free sessions to friends and family and began to tap into my intuition.

I have kept to my promise and I now share my empathic nature, knowledge, healing and angel readings in my coaching practice to fully support women on their path into healing and spiritual awakening. I wish to bring women back to the powerful presence of love within them so that they can make the most of themselves and their life so that we can all truly thrive and grow together, trusting in ourselves and in life again.


"...Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us.

We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be?

You are a child of God.

Your playing small does not serve the world.

There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you.

We are all meant to shine, as children do.

We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us.

It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone.

And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same.

As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

- A return to Love by Marianne Williamson

In short :) ...... "as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same."


'You can heal your life' By Louise L Hay - This book first introduced me to self healing and how our inner world reflects our outer world. The first person who taught me that all dis- ease stems from a painful emotional belief we have about ourselves and the world. It is a really easy beautiful read full of real stories, teachings, lengthy and powerful affirmations lovingly written by Louise that sink into you as you read. There is even a table at the back full of almost every dis - ease and the painful belief that may lie beneath and the positive affirmation to help you begin to change that belief and thus support your healing. This book became my go to.

'Add more ing to you life' By Gabrielle Bernstein - I love this woman and she continues to be one of my best teachers and guides in the online world. When I got back onto discovering my spiritual path I was in my early 20's and was guided to Gabrielle Bernstein. There was something about her energy that I was really drawn to and I bought all her books. She wrote straight to the heart and helped make spirituality accessible to a young girl. I love this book 'Add more ing to your life' because it really helped me to reconnect to my intuition (ing stands for inner guidance system) she helped me to fall in love with my meditation practice and discover an infinite well of love, guidance and inspiration that lies within each and every one of us in the silent spaces. I continue to read all her books, she shines true authenticity and keeps it real which really helps me to connect, trust and learn. Her talks and writing never fail to move me and bring me to tears of gratitude.




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