With Veronica Vazeri, Jane Jackson, Rob Tull and Tyran Mowbray

Today's episode is focused on the 9th Global Goal of the World Health Organisation: Decent work and economic growth

Within the discussion we cover:

How are these two things even remotely connected? what is the perception around sex and money that needs to be changed to see it for what it truly is and how interchangeable they are What are typical signs that we overlook that influence our lack of sex and money? What impact does sexism, sexualising women, toxic masculinity enforcing on the abundance of money inside-out? How does one create sexual energy for health, to create change and enliven one’s day-to-day life?

Let’s keep the conversation going folks ... leave us a comment and let us know how you feel about Decent Work and Economic Growth, and how it has changed or impacted your life. We would love to hear from you.


Links for each photo for each guest:

Rob Tull: https://path2coaching.com

Jane Jackson: www.thejanejackson.com 

Veronica Vazeri: http://theschoolofhumanconnection.com/ 

Tyran Mowbray: https://www.tyranmowbray.com/