There are a lot of things happening in society and culture today that are often overlooked or ignored, especially amongst “Christian” circles. Particularly for women, there are tons of obstacles and issues that we face every day but rarely speak about.

Whether it be personal topics like our mental health, struggling marriages, the reality of divorce, and parenting challenges, or issues with broader implications like political decisions, activism, or civic engagement; we’re confronted with tough conversations every single day.

On this show, we’re going to skip the small talk and get right to the heart of these real issues. We’ll talk with various experts about the ideas and movements happening all around us, embrace healthy debate from various viewpoints, and ultimately bring our opinions back under the lens of who we know God to be as our Creator.

I can’t wait to connect with so many of you who think like I do and are hungry to learn together. We’re a group that is insatiable for knowledge, never gives up, and sees the value of courage and persistence. Together, we’ll learn how to overcome our fear, build informed opinions, and walk away empowered to take action on the ideas we discuss together.