Amanda's Story

I was diagnosed with Graves Disease 18 years ago while in the hospital for a bad auto accident. I have been on a mission the last few years trying to get my life back the way it was before my diagnosis and accident.

I was in a constant state of exhaustion due to my thyroid issues. I also had a good amount of hip, back and tailbone discomfort from a previous auto accident. I also dealt with stomach discomfort from food allergies and a lack of proper supplementation. 

I saw a traditional doctor for years regarding my thyroid disease and they did nothing but keep me on medication and tell me that I needed to get used to this new normal of always being tired. Several years ago I started seeing an integrative health doctor who helped me get on a path to healthier living which included putting me on a more natural version of thyroid medication.

My husband was a patient first with Dr. Corinne Weaver and I saw first hand the personal care he received. I was very impressed by that. I was also very interested in chiropractic and how it might help with the injuries I sustained in an auto accident. I was also interested in supplementation and how that might work alongside my thyroid disease to help me to feel better. I also love that her office offers thermography. I am at the age where mammograms are recommended and I love having this healthier option. 

After being under Dr. Weaver's care I feel amazing. My energy level has improved and my body no longer aches. Before seeing Dr. Weaver I got sick often. I had colds regularly. I have rarely been sick since receiving treatment and my immune system is so much stronger. 

I eat organic, gluten and dairy free. I filter my drinking and shower water. I take my vitamins. I try to live as stress free as possible. I make my own homemade cleaning products and try to live as chemical free as possible. I also enjoy walking and riding my bike with my husband and using our sauna.

I am empowered to continue living healthier by the results I have seen. I don’t want to go back to feeling sluggish, tired and aching. Following Dr. Weaver’s treatment plan has put me on a great track to living a long and healthy life.