Mark Hunter, CSP, “The Sales Hunter,” is recognized as one of the top 50 most influential sales and marketing leaders in the world. He is author of three best-selling books, “High-Profit Prospecting” and “High-Profit Selling” and his newest “A Mind for Sales” on its first day or release zoomed to #1 bestseller status on Amazon.



His sales strategies are used each day by thousands of salespeople from Fortune 100 firms to small start-ups. Regardless of the company his strategies work.

Mark has spoken on 5 continents and travels more than 200 days per year working with people helping to show them how to find and retain better prospects.  Mark doesn’t view sales as a job, he views it as a lifestyle.  He believes when you live sales in this way you have the ability to create deep relationships that impact others.  His mission is to help others see sales in this manner to allow them to increase their influence and impact.  He’s known for his engaging style that empowers sales teams and audiences as a result he’s been fortunate to have shared the stage with people such as Arianna Huffington, Seth Godin, Tony Robbins, and Magic Johnson.

To learn more about Mark visit his website: and you can also hear Mark each week on his podcast Sales Logic which he co-hosts with Meridith Elliott Powell.


Contact Mark:


[EDITOR’S NOTE: This podcast is sponsored by No Limits Selling. It is a fun, fast-paced podcast that delivers hard-fought business advice that you can implement today to improve your sales and performance]

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