Wayne Johnson is the president at Lafayette Pictures. Wayne started out his entertainment career in 1999 as a screenwriter. Mr. Johnson is an optioned screenwriter who has written on assignment for Producers, Studios, and Actors. Mr. Johnson wrote an original DC Comics Warner Brothers Picture's Green Lantern script for Sunrise Entertainment.



Wayne Johnson continues to concentrate his creative energies into screenwriting and producing screenplays for development and production for the small and big screen.

Mr. Wayne Johnson started his Lafayette Pictures production company in 2006 after deciding to venture away from screenwriting and focusing more on the film and television production. Mr. Johnson has since been the Producer of several independent films and Assistant / Associate / Development producer on several major productions.


Podcast Highlights:

Life is too short, do what you love
When you get stuck don't quit, pivot
Get ideas out of your head and make them a reality


Contact Wayne:
