Dave Jimenez is an attorney by trade who began his real estate career 9 years ago by joining Ryan Homes as a sales representative in the greater Baltimore Area.  Dave subsequently transitioned to a role as Associate Broker at RE/MAX to broaden his service area and help more clients. 



He co-founded the New Home Team of Maryland in 2018 in order to better serve friends, family and clients and to help other agents grow their businesses in a culture conducive to success.  Most recently, Dave helped oversee New Home Team's acquisition and move into a historic building in the heart of Federal Hill.  As the New Home Team continues to grow with new agents, Dave also helps facilitate on-boarding and training for new agents.  


Contact Dave:


[EDITOR’S NOTE: This podcast is sponsored by No Limits Selling. It is a fun, fast-paced podcast that delivers hard-fought business advice that you can implement today to improve your sales and performance]

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