About our guest … Julia Lazareck is the co-founder and president of Prison Families Alliance, Inc. (PFA). Julia got involved in Prison Families Alliance while her brother was incarcerated. Many families of incarcerated individuals struggle with keeping the family together. PFA provides multiple diverse support systems and communication platforms in order to keep the family together through the criminal justice process, thus safer communities and minimizing recidivism. After her brother passed while in prison Julia wrote a book and started a podcast called “Prison: The Hidden Sentence.” Her goal is to raise awareness and to create a more compassionate society about the effects of incarceration on families and children. Prison Families Alliance used to be called Friends and Families of Incarcerated Persons before they changed the name in 2021. Julia has lived in Las Vegas for 25 years and has been married to Les for 16 years. She has two dogs: Sage and Sierra.








