Our main discussion is on utilizing tools at your table, the development of our Tools series on Dump Stat, and how to create your own. But first, we discuss the trouble that Wizards of the Coast has gotten themselves into and why people keep crying foul over what they perceive as racism in the game.

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00:00:00 - Opening
00:00:32 - Discussion of Hadozee and their removal
00:10:16 - Discussion of OneD&D and ‘racist’ problems
00:32:17 - Discussion on Utilizing Tools

Show Notes

Spelljammer: Adventures in Space

Savage Species (2003) - DMs Guild

Savage Species for 5e - Dump Stat

OneD&D - Character Origins

Oriental Adventures (1985) - DMs Guild

Oriental Adventures (2001) - DMs Guild

Adventurer’s Vault (2008) - DMs Guild

Adventurer’s Vault 2 (2009) - DMs Guild

Tools: Alchemist's Supplies / Brewer’s Supplies / Calligrapher's Supplies / Carpenter's Kit / Cartographer's Tools / Chandlery Supplies / Cobbler's Tools / Cooking Utensils / Climbers Kit / Disguise Kit / Engraver's Tools / Fishing Tackle / Fletcher's Kit / Forgery Kit / Gaming Sets / Gardener's Tools / Glassblower's Tools / Gemologist's Supplies / Gunsmith's Kit / Healer’s Kit / Herbalism Kit / Jeweler's Tools / Leatherworker's Tools / Mason’s Tools / Musical Instruments / Navigator's Tools / Painter's Supplies / Poisoner's Kit / Potter's Tools / Scrollscriber's Supplies / Smith’s Tools / Snarecrafter Tools / Tattoo Supplies / Thieves' Tools / Tinker’s Tools / Vehicles / Wandmaker's Tools / Weaver's Tools / Woodcarver's Tools

Have I Got A Job For You - d100 Quests for Tools - Dump Stat

Designing Traps - Homebrew - Dump Stat

Additional Alchemical Recipes - Dump Stat Store

Additional Brewing Recipes - Dump Stat Store

Additional Cooking Recipes - Dump Stat Store

Additional Herbalism Recipes - Dump Stat Store

Additional Poison Recipes - Dump Stat Store

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