It's weird how the Christmas Movie debate seems to only apply to the first Die Hard, nobody mentions it about the sequel.

DERICK MCDUFF (Underrated, WatchMojo) rushes to his gate at a crowded airport to join the boys in a conversation all about DIE HARD 2. That's right, John McClane is back as the podcast continues to cover the Die Hard franchise in the weirdest possible order. 

Join them as they answer questions such as: Is John McClane becoming a Psychopath? How many "oh, that guy"s are in this film? What other sequel with a plane-based climax does this remind Connor of? Who's Jai Courtney again? and Was that his mother-in-law or some random old lady? among others...


Thanks for coming on, Derick! Be sure to listen to UNDERRATED (Spotify | Apple), follow him on INSTAGRAM, and read his writing on MEDIUM!

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