Previous Episode: Kananana

Since space and time are the same, how would it feel spending space with somebody? And zooming in time? I’ll give you the answer next space…

For a Minor Reflection is a post-rock band from Reykjavík, Iceland, comprised of Kjartan Holm, Guðfinnur Sveinsson, Elvar Jón Guðmundsson, Andri Freyr Þorgeirsson.

A Moll is a song on their second album, entitled “Reistu þig við, sólin er komin á loft…” (which means “Rise and shine, the sun’s up”) and released in 2010.

The music video has been directed by Lorenzo Fonda (Cerberoleso), produced by Lanette Phillips and Catherine Berclaz at Mighty8.

Copyright © 2010

Since space and time are the same, how would it feel spending space with somebody? And zooming in time? I’ll give you the answer next space…

For a Minor Reflection is a post-rock band from Reykjavík, Iceland, comprised of Kjartan Holm, Guðfinnur Sveinsson, Elvar Jón Guðmundsson, Andri Freyr Þorgeirsson.

A Moll is a song on their second album, entitled “Reistu þig við, sólin er komin á loft…” (which means “Rise and shine, the sun’s up”) and released in 2010.

The music video has been directed by Lorenzo Fonda (Cerberoleso), produced by Lanette Phillips and Catherine Berclaz at Mighty8.

Dato che spaziuo e tempo si equivalgono, come sarebbe passare dello spazio con qualcuno? O zumare nel tempo? La risposta fra qualche spazio…

For a Minor Reflection è un gruppo post-rock di Reykjavík, Islanda, formato da Kjartan Holm, Guðfinnur Sveinsson, Elvar Jón Guðmundsson, Andri Freyr Þorgeirsson.

A Moll è un brano dal loro secondo album, intitolato “Reistu þig við, sólin er komin á loft…” (più o meno: “Alzati, il sole già splende…”) e pubblicato nel 2010.

Il video musicale è stato diretto da Lorenzo Fonda (Cerberoleso), prodotto da Lanette Phillips e Catherine Berclaz presso Mighty8.


DOWNLOAD (1280×720): Scarica A Moll in alta definizione HD720p.
[Format: MPEG-4 - Size: 144 MB - Running Time: 7 min.]

DOWNLOAD (1280×720): Scarica A Moll in alta definizione HD720p.
[Format: Ogg Video - Size: 23 MB - Running Time: 7 min.]

WATCH (ALT.): Guarda A Moll su Cerberoleso.
[Format: Flash Video]

WATCH (ALT.): Guarda A Moll su Youtube.
[Format: Flash Video]

DOWNLOAD (768×432): Scarica A Moll in alta risoluzione.
[Format: MPEG-4 - Size: 40 MB - Running Time: 7 min.]

LINK: Visita Lorenzo Fonda.

LINK: Visita Mighty8.

LINK: Visita Markus Wagner.

LINK: Visita Luca Carta.

LINK: Visita For a Minor Reflection.

LINK: Visita Höldum í átt að óreiðu.