Previous Episode: Episode #13 - December 2021>

In this episode we get a final look at the design of C++23,
see how far we can push compile-time computation - and even code generation - in C++20,
look at some tools to help us to get there,
and what C++ could have been if we weren't burdened with backwards compatiblity.

In this episode we get a final look at the design of C++23,
see how far we can push compile-time computation - and even code generation - in C++20,
look at some tools to help us to get there,
and what C++ could have been if we weren't burdened with backwards compatiblity.

Links from this episode:

C++ Annotated - January 2022 - If you prefer the same material in blog form

How we used C++20 to eliminate an entire class of runtime bugs - from the Microsoft C++ Team Blog

Migrating to a safer API with {fmt} 8.x

Compile Time Code Generation and Optimization

cplusplus/papers - GitHub repo tracking proposals voted in

A Plan for C++23 Ranges

P2441 - views::join_with

P2387 - Pipe support for user-defined range adaptors

P0323 - std::expected

Episode #5 (April 2021) - where we talked about std::expected

P0627 - Function to mark unreachable code

P1774 - Portable assumptions

The new Qt Quick Compiler technology

CLion Starts the 2022.1 EAP

ReSharper C++ Starts the 2022.1 EAP

Unreal Engine Support Lands in Rider 2022.1 EAP

What would you remove from C++ to make it a more concise language and didn't have to care about backwards compatibility? (or fix if ABI weren't an issue) - Reddit thread

All the defaults are backwards - Phil's lightning talk