Episode: S2PB*

(preview for forthcoming episode)

Video Special:“Culver Indiana and Vonnegut: a documentary"

This is an audio preview episode for the forthcoming NDIOS video special, which is a documentary piece about author Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. and his relationship with the town of Culver, Indiana.


Preview episode hosted by:

David Wilkinson a/k/a "Wilk"


Related Links:

Video Special: Culver Indiana and Vonnegut: a documentary

Vonnegut episode: S2E5 – Slaughterhouse-Five (book/movie)

Dole's website: www.doyleaudiovisual.com

Ryan's poem: "The Roots of Experience"


Website: www.nodeodorant.com


* DISCLAIMER: Please be advised that the views and opinions of the hosts and guests of NDIOS are completely their own and do not necessarily reflect the views and beliefs of the other hosts and guests or that of NDIOS.