We talk about Freak Power and Hunter S. Thompson in order to explore the difference between the counterculture of the 1960s/70s and the current culture of activism/wokeness/progressivism? Did cancellation exist in the 60s? What’s the difference between ideas and beliefs. David and Kris discuss their lines in the sand when it comes to free speech and offense: is there anything that goes too far? It seems like when I was growing up (David) it was the right who were the censors. Now it comes from both sides depending on the issue.

Show Notes:

The Disappearance of Rituals

Van Life

Elizabeth Holmes

Hunter S. Thompson

Fear and Loathing ’72

Connecticut Yankee

Encino Man

Freak Power

Angela Davis

Bobby Seale

G Gordon Liddy

William F Buckley

Jonathan Evison Censorship Call

Dan Savage