Don’t cry little buddy. Sure, No Chill Enneagram is going away for a while, but it’s not like there aren’t 463 other enneagram podcasts out there for you to peruse. You’ll be just fine, we’re sure of it. Sometimes, though, we’re not fine. Not in the least. And we want to be honest about that - in a funny way? So for the last half of the finale we dimmed the lights, eschewed the guests, and had some real-talk about our lives, our hopes, our dreams, and the various ways we make ourselves miserable. Also we type like 7 million reviews, because we made a promise. Bethany will miss helping you guys. Richard will miss being known by you. Both of them will miss making a show with each other. We’re not going to beat around the bush here. Bethany and Richard are sad about this. BUT - the next season of No Chill Enneagram will be here before you know it, like a budding rose on a bright summer day, which i dunno if that’s a real thing but they are nice words that I strung together. Anyway. Watch this space. Next season you’ll have a role to play beyond giving us stars so we type you. In the meantime, take the time to seek out some other podcasts, like: The MillEnneagram for Idiots and Coffee Journey (Typology). We hear it’s ok.