This week, we talk to musician and enneagram 7, Jonny Barahona (pronounced... beautifully), about what it's like to be the life of the party, WHETHER YOU LIKE IT OR NOT. WE'RE TAKING EVERYONE AND GOING TO KARAOKE AND YOU CAN JUST DEAL WITH IT, CHERYL!! AND IF YOU TELL ME TO GET SOME REST ONE MORE TIME I'M NEVER COMING TO YOUR BACHELORETTE FINALE PARTY AGAIN!

PLUS: Remember back when Bethany and Joy Beth decided 2s should NEVER date 4s? Well two can play at that game. Guess what number 7s should never date????

AND: We do some weird stuff, just to mess with Jonny. Silence, Sports, So on.

BUT FIRST: The Stairwell Saga. Gripping!