This week, Bethany and Richard welcome Katelyn Beaty onto the show. Richard used to work with her when she was managing editor over at Christianity Today. Now, he's trying to get her to confess her failures on a podcast. Look how far they've come!

Katelyn, author of the book "A Woman's Place", discusses her desire for her good work to be seen and the struggle to lay low.

BUT THERE'S MORE: We Type Thought Leaders.

AND: I think we might really make enneagram slang happen this time you guys.

IN ADDITION: Katelyn tells Every Single Number exactly how to succeed in life. Who needs Tony Robbins!!

Katelyn's brilliantly named book is available here:

You should buy it because not only is it great but also she had to do one of those controversial Jonathan Merritt reviews in order to promote it.

Here she is on twitter:

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