It’s NO-BUDGET NIGHTMARES: THE NEXT GENERATION! After crossing the 100th episode threshold, we’re back with 1991’s EXCEEDINGLY GORY SOV possession movie SOUL OF THE DEMON! Despite an interminable 45 minutes of set-up, there’s head slicing, crotch slicing, stomach slicing.. ALL THE SLICING A PERSON CAN HANDLE! Time to BOLDLY GO WHERE NO-ONE HAS GONE BEFORE and LISTEN! Want more of this goodness (and some fine perks)? Support No-Budget Nightmare on PATREON! Go ahead and check out NO-BUDGET NIGHTMARES on Facebook and Twitter! You’ll be our best friend. Or check out Moe and Doug on Twitter! And head over to Dork Shelf for all the best film, TV and comic news, reviews and commentary. SOUL OF THE DEMON (1991) — No-Budget Nightmares (@nobudgetpodcast) November 26, 2017

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