It’s a rivalry older than the Red Sox and Yankees, IPAs and Bud Lights, pizza and hamburgers. Sometimes friendly, sometimes not-so-friendly, the US-Canada rivalry is fraught with tension and unanswered questions. Are Americans as obnoxious as Canadians think? Does Canada have an inferiority complex? If the two countries are siblings, which one has the severe emotional scars? Mylan Clairmont is here to help us answer these questions. Mylan used to travel the world as the head strength coach for Rugby Canada. Now he’s starring as our token Canadian to set the record straight about his beloved homeland. We’re getting to the heart of this contentious sibling rivalry, learning about the science behind jet lag, and hearing all about what happens when a polite Canadian and loud American travel together.

Plus, we hired an intern named Stevie and it’s NOT going well.

In Hot Takes, Tim reveals what item TSA once confiscated from him, and Eben reminisces about Peanut Butter & Fluff sandwiches and wonders: where did all the Fluff go?