Welcome to part three of our new Alchemy Series, sponsored by Wells Fargo and Prudential, where we speak to experts and thought leaders to attain advice and practical strategies to harness the adversity of COVID-19 and not just cope, but possibly thrive. Our guest today, Dan Thurmon, advocates for always being a bit “off-balance” in order to achieve greatness and expand our potential. Now, more than ever, as we are all forced out of balance in our daily and professional lives, his philosophy takes on even more importance. 

Erik and Dave chat with Dan to hear how he is dealing during this time while isolating with his family in Georgia, and what his life’s work can offer our listeners. Seeing Dan perform and speak on stage is an experience in itself but today we strip those elements away and hear what Dan has to say.

If you limit yourself to what’s comfortable, you deny yourself what’s possible - Dan Thurmon

Dan Thurmon is the president of Motivation Works, Inc., where he has helped hundreds of organizations and individuals implement action plans and move confidently through transitions. He is a renowned speaker, author, entrepreneur, workplace performance expert, fitness advocate, acrobat, and unicyclist. Dan’s book, Off Balance On Purpose, explains his philosophy that we’ll never achieve “perfect balance”. Instead of chasing this impossible dream, we should learn to embrace uncertainty and initiate positive changes that lead to personal and professional growth. Dan’s multi-dimensional view of success incorporates quality health, strong relationships, and meaningful contributions. His programs have educated and uplifted Fortune 500 companies, educators, and even troops on the front lines of battle in Afghanistan. 

Takeaway (visit our show's website to download a full one pager with tips and highlights):

H- Helping Others - Focus on helping others. By getting out of your head and turning your attention to others. 
Ideas: Volunteer to deliver groceries to elderly people or those that are  immunocompromised, pass out food at a food bank, tutor a child struggling with distance learning. The more you give, the more you get.

O- Open your mind to other possibilities. Imagine the opportunities presented in this particular moment in time.

P - Perspective - Distance yourself from the immediacy of what’s happening. Imagine your circumstances from a distance and on a wider timeline.

E - Enjoyment - Enjoy the moments. Look for laughter and joy. Hold on to something you love & appreciate.


Visit Dan’s official website

Watch Dan's TED Talk

Watch Dan with his daughter, Maggie, on Tik Tok

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