This is our condensed version of this interview. Please tune into episode 40 for the full extended version.

Welcome to the first episode for our new weekly Alchemy Series, sponsored by Wells Fargo and Prudential. Our No Barriers motto, "What’s Within You is Stronger Than What’s in Your Way”is more relevant now than ever before. 

We’ll be featuring thought leaders and experts in harnessing adversity. They’ll provide practical guidance, hope, and optimism during these uncertain times. 

Our hosts, Erik Weihenmayer and Dave Shurna speak with the leading expert in the field of handling adversity: Dr. Paul Stoltz.   

DR. PAUL G. STOLTZ is considered the world’s leading authority on the integration and application of grit and resilience. He is author of five international bestselling books on the subject and was voted by

HR Magazine as “One of the Top 10 most influential global thinkers.” Dr. Stoltz has served as faculty for MIT’s acclaimed entrepreneurship program and for Carnegie Mellon’s distinguished Global Leaders Program, where his AQ and GRIT- related methods and assessments have been used to equip tomorrow’s leaders and entrepreneurs.

Erik, Dave, and Dr. Stoltz discuss his many scientifically backed methods for approaching and harnessing adverse circumstances, including the concept of "Engaging Your Core."


Control - What is beyond my control in my situation? What facets can I potentially influence?

Ownership - What can I personally do to affect this situation immediately and positively?

Reach - How can I contain this adversity? How can I minimize the downside or optimize the upside?

Endure - How do I break this down and manage it, so that I can hang in for the long term?

Listen to hear and learn more.  

Continue listening each week and together, we will power through this pandemic and come out stronger.

Additional Information:

Watch Dr. Stoltz's TED Talk.

Learn more about Dr. Stoltz's principles at PEAK Learning.

Continue to develop your No Barriers Mindset.

Thank you to our generous sponsors, Wells Fargo and Prudential!