What does it take to create a great customer experience? As it turns out: a lot more than just a series of great interactions. Kim Salazar, Sr. UX Specialist, shares her expertise on what omnichannel experiences are, why they matter for CX, and how having a mature CX means fundamentally changing how we view and handle UX work.

Resources cited in this episode

Ep. 1 - What is UX, anyway? (feat. Dr. Jakob Nielsen, the usability guru) (our inaugural podcast episode)
Operationalizing CX: Organizational Strategies for Delivering Superior Omnichannel Experiences (142-page report)
CX Transformation (full-day course)
Journey Mapping to Understand Customer Needs (full-day course)
Kim's Articles & Videos (NN/g bio)

Other related articles & videos

What is Omnichannel UX? (2-min video)
User Experience vs. Customer Experience: What’s The Difference? (free article + 4 min video)
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