Building stakeholder relationships is no easy task but it is crucial for getting buy-in, aligning expectations and ultimately building trust. But, what even is a "stakeholder" and how do you know if you have good relationships built? In this episode, we feature a conversation between Samhita Tankala and Sarah Gibbons who discuss the challenges that come with stakeholder management and how to build successful relationships.

Learn more about Sarah Gibbons

Related NN/g articles, videos, and courses:

Successful Stakeholder Relationships (UX Certification course)
How to Sell UX: Translating UX to Business Value (Video)
How to Collaborate with Stakeholders in UX Research (Article)
UX Stories Communicate Designs (Article)
Making a Case for UX in 3 Steps (Video)
Stakeholder Analysis for UX Projects (Article)
UX Stakeholders: Study Guide

Other sources Sarah mentioned:

The Five Dysfunctions of a Team by Patrick Lencioni