Podcast: Téléchargement Notre rythme mensuel se poursuit. Mike a survécu à l’enfer de Kraichgau et Ben continue à évangéliser la cause des drones. L’émission touche à la question des futures plateformes, la combinaison de beaucoup (trop?) d’intelligence: intelligence articifielle et contrats intelligents. Fil Rouge Mike’s feedback: semi-ironman de Kraichgau     Drones Autonomous delivery #drone […]

Podcast: Téléchargement

Notre rythme mensuel se poursuit. Mike a survécu à l’enfer de Kraichgau et Ben continue à évangéliser la cause des drones. L’émission touche à la question des futures plateformes, la combinaison de beaucoup (trop?) d’intelligence: intelligence articifielle et contrats intelligents.

Fil Rouge

Mike’s feedback: semi-ironman de Kraichgau    


Autonomous delivery #drone startup Matternet raises $16 million round led by Boeing’s venture arm
Ben à  Un premier système numérique de gestion des drones présenté en Suisse
Facebook quietly kills its Aquila autonomous internet drone program

IA & Blockchain

Crypto: Introducing a16z crypto
AI: Ways to think about machine learning
Personalized “deep learning” equips robots for autism therapy
AI might need a therapist, too
The Truth about Smart Contracts
How a 29-year-old is using blockchain and A.I. to cut energy bills by up to 25 percent
Machine learning predicts World Cup winner


GitHub was also talking to Google about a deal, but went with Microsoft instead

Amazon launches the FreeTime Unlimited app for iOS; provides a catalog of children’s books, movies, and shows;
Amazon claims it doesn’t want to take on UPS and FedEx. So why is it introducing tons of its own Amazon delivery vans?
Blog WhatsApp https://blog.whatsapp.com/10000644/New-Group-Setting-for-Admins


#HEALTH  :: 23andme feedback from syde and ben
#BOOK: “Ordinary Men
#AUDIOBOOK ::The Achievement Habit: Stop Wishing, Start Doing, and Take Command of Your Life

#QUOTE :: “Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.” Oscar Wilde

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