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This episode of SwitchCraft is brought to you by Patrons like Joshua Arthur,  Support SwitchCraft and my other content for as little as a dollar and get exclusive rewards, at


MStefano - reviewed the show.  

I wish I found this podcast sooner.  I have only been listening for a few weeks now but this has already proven to be my favorite Nintendo podcast.  It is superior to others I listen to (without naming them) for a multitude of reasons.  Episodes come out frequently throughout the week so news is given timely and the episodes are short, sweet and to the point.  In addition to this, what makes the host better than most is the attention he gives to feedback (both positive and negative.  Keep up the great work RJS!

@joelmead24 tweeted -

Will the Switch version of Batman telltale be all 5 episodes or just 1 to start?  They also tweeted Wondering why RBI Baseball 17 is coming to the switch.  This season is almost over, why not wait for next year to release ‘18?

Sean emailed

Love the podcast. Now that I am downloading a lot of your suggestions, I feel a good topic to discuss is expandable storage. What micro-SD cards are a must have and what one should we stay away from. I'd love to hear that on an upcoming episode!

Thanks, and keep crushing the competition. Only Switch podcast that matters in my opinion.


Speed class (Go for class 10)

128gb is the sweet spot for price, but if you can afford a bigger card then go for it.

I bought this one

Here is a 256 gb class 10 from Samsung expensive though



Pre-orders for the SNES Classic Mini went up around 10pm PST at Best Buy. 20 minutes later the were out. No update on Amazon or Gamestop as of 11pm PST

They also came back multiple times after 6am.

Video of SNES features American | Japan

New ARMS character revealed Lola Pop along with ver.3 of the game.

The music in this video is so friggin’ good.

The shield reflects the element back at the attacker

Nun-chuck weapons

Vertical triple shot stamp, blocks your view? (like blorb)

Balloon pants are bouncy (inflates when you block)

Don’t have ARMS yet, don’t worry try it out free!

Splatoon 2 has new stuff on its way!

New Bubble weapon and Boat map coming September 2

New Salmon Run Map coming “Lost Outpost” August 23rd

Final Fantasy XV