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Matt Murray, Honolulu

This podcast is a homerun for me.  The host is extremely knowledgeable and articulate.  He is able to efficiently hit all the major news stories while adding some personal commentary.  His punctuality with posting new episodes is impeccable as well.   It is a great feeling to know which days I can always expect a new podcast about the Switch and know the content is going to be excellent.  I would rate this podcast higher than five stars if I could!  Keep up the great work.


Hey man,

Have started listening to your podcast. Love how articulate and succinct you are. I'm currently debating whether to take the plunge or not - I probably will 😉 - but just quickly... Where the hell is Switch Sports? Or a Mario Bowling? The thing that made the original Wii so popular. The thing that would show off the Switch and its controllers and would almost single-handedly sell an awful lot more units. Feels like a giant elephant-sized hole in the line up. Have you heard of anything? Tennis. Bowling. Air hockey. That sort of thing. Indy or otherwise.

Cheers, Keep up the good work.

James, London.



Dragon Ball Xeonverse 2 trailer 9/22

Also has 5v boss fights.

3v3 online battles

Graphics look awesome.

Has motion controls as well as traditional.

The actors are certainly happy.



The bridge - Chapter 1

Lightning Round

SMR removed from app store but its back

Sonic Forces Bonus Edition available on Amazon

Coming soon!

September 5th
[Switch] R.B.I. Baseball 2017
[Switch] LEGO Worlds

September 7th
[Switch eShop] NeuroVoider
[Switch eShop] The Bridge
[Switch eShop] Double Dragon IV

That is all we have time for today, if there is a story that I missed let me know!


[email protected] subject line SwitchCraft

260-RunJump (786-5867)

Stop by the live stream some time!

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