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Landlockedseas - reviewed the show

I was first introduced to run jump stomp through his appearance on the switch cast podcast and immediately subscribed.  He provides through and frequent content in a short form that I appreciate.

Sevin Korbo also reviewed the show

Missing character - The content is okay, but it's just so dry and doesn’t add anything too special to switch coverage.


ARMS 2.0 comes with stats in addition to Max Brass

Yabuki Interview.

Magnet mod

Splat and chat!

NBA Playgrounds updated (finally with online play)

Bloodstained port hasn't’ started yet.    

Lightning Round


New BotW Amiibo offered as a 4 pack in Europe (no word on US)

Dragonball Xenoverse 2 coming to switch 9/22

WWE2K18 confirmed for switch

That is all we have time for today, if the re is a story that I missed let me know!


[email protected] subject line SwitchCraft

260-RunJump (786-5867)

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