Well would you look at that!? We made it to 300 episodes of the Nintendo Pulse podcast! Stephen joins me as we begin with a small history of the show. Nintendo has changed a lot over the years, and so have we! After the history […]

Well would you look at that!? We made it to 300 episodes of the Nintendo Pulse podcast! Stephen joins me as we begin with a small history of the show. Nintendo has changed a lot over the years, and so have we!

After the history lesson we get into some listener feedback, including some voicemails of congrats from our listeners! We chat about the SNES classic a bit, cover Mario + Rabbids in great detail, then break down the Nindies Direct that happened this week. We had loads to talk about in his nearly 2 hour epic, we hope that you enjoy!

So here’s to 300 more episodes of the show and some continued innovation from Nintendo!

News in this Episode

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A huge thank you to this episode’s Executive Producer Kyle Bird!


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