Nintendo Power Cast Episode 123
Music On Being Human
Unofficial Nintendo Podcast
Watch live 6pm PST on
Beginners Guide to Gaming Content Creation
First Look 6 am PST Friday morning
N64Josh Power Review
Dead Cell
Coming soon *NPCmini
Switch Games on Sale *NPCmini|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|-|true|-|-|-|-|featured|des|-|-
Pete Hines from Bethesda talking to IGN said this about getting games on the Switch
It was hugely popular – all of the stuff that we did. I think folks enjoyed and appreciated – and we wanted to make sure to say right up front that this is a title we want to bring to Switch, and we think it’s gonna be another awesome experience.
Adding Star Fox to Starlink was Nintendo’s idea
We were like “Wow, incredible!”…to present to Nintendo. So I did the demo and at the end of the presentation, I remember one of the representatives asking us “Are you OK if I come back with more people?” and we were like “Yes, please! We’re here to show the game to as many people as we can!” – and so they came back two times, three times, four times, and they came back with incredible people – so we had the director of Mario Odyssey was there and we had the director of ARMS and Mario Kart and more like… “OK..” two times, three times… up to five times, and the fifth time that they came it was with Reggie Fills-Aime and so on. So I’ll let you imagine… we’re like 'OK… what’s happening?
Lizardcube and DotEmu are the studios behind Wonder Boy are bringing us Streets of Rage 4 no confirmation if Switch will see the game but chances are good.
A tweet from FDG Entertainment #BlossomTales #NintendoSwitch sales have now surpassed #Steam sales by a factor of 20! We're incredibly thankful to everyone who bought the game no matter on which of the platforms but @NintendoAmerica community really was the turnaround for this beautiful game.