Nintendo Power Cast Episode 260
Music On Being Human 
Unofficial Nintendo Podcast
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What We Played/Impressions

Indie World Direct showed off some new games coming to Switch soon
Games showcased in the Indie World DirectRundown from KotakuOut Now   Exit the Gungeon $9.99 and Sky Racket  $14.99
Demo out now - Moving Out
Animal Crossing Amiibo will have a reprint coming out on April 10th - preorders up nowAmiibo Alerts Twitter
Will Amazon get you your copy of AC on time?Statement from Amazon: So in the short term, we are making the decision to temporarily prioritize household staples, medical supplies and other high-demand products coming into our fulfillment centers so we can more quickly receive, restock and ship these products to customers. Products already on its way to our fulfillment centers will be accepted. This does not impact products being delivered to customers, or products currently in stock in our store. Customers can continue to buy any in-stock product in our store, and we will continue to deliver them. March 17, 2020
I think the statement scared lots of people initially but I think this will mainly affect products that are purchased from a 3rd party seller that Amazon fulfills.

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