How much do your emotions guide your decisions? 

What if I told you that your emotions are actually records of the past and that they may be negatively impacting your future if you are making decisions today based on your emotions? 

Would this change how you make decisions? Would your emotions (specifically the negative ones like fear and anger) hold as much weight now? 

I dive into how this impacts your current reality and your future in this episode of the podcast and what you can do to ensure that your past emotions aren't sabotaging your future. Listen in!

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LINKS MENTIONED in this episode and to connect with Jill daily: 

For more information on Jill's FOUNDATIONAL Feng Shui training series, click here. Jill is helping so many find meaning again after loss and those harder experiences in life like divorce, health crises and major life changes with her book When the Meaning is Lost.  Visit Jill's Instagram to be moved to create more Like Jill's Facebook page to receive daily inspiration Join her FREE Life MAKERS group on Facebook Learn how to increase your mental, physical and spiritual energy to create more of what you truly want with her online learning courses at


Episode 300: What is your version of faith?

Episode 279: What we give power has power


This podcast is inspired by those podcasts that are impacting lives in a very big way including The Ed Mylett show and The Rise Podcast with Rachel Hollis which are always pure fire and filled with great strategy for life and business.