Pro Lighting Tips You Can Pull Off at Home

There are a few simple lighting tips for YouTube videos that will allow you to capture the perfect video set right at home, making your videos appear as if they’ve been produced by a pro.  You can go through all of the other motions to make a stand-out masterpiece, but in the end, if you can’t see yourself in the frame, it’ll be all for not.

While achieving just the right video set is possible, doing so is only possible with the proper preparation.  Lighting tips for YouTube videos always include finding the best room to shoot in and the tools you’ll need to set up in advance so when you’re ready to start reading a script, lighting is the last thing on your mind.  Creating just the right ambiance at home can be tricky, to say the least, but you’ll want to start by finding a room with natural room light.  This could be from a large window situated on a side of the home where softly diffused sunlight can give the room just the right glow.

Of course, lighting tips for YouTube videos may insist you head outside, but this comes with its own set of pros and cons.  It may be a beautiful sun shining day with a bunch of unexpected background noise.  The wind may be too intense, your neighbor may stop by at the most inopportune time, a siren might be heard a few blocks away.  You’ll have to decide in the moment what’s best.

Position yourself in a spot where you can make sure your face is well-lit, and evenly illuminated without any awkward shadows.  You may have to move around a bit until you find just the right angle to set.  Usually, the best spot to stick a camera is with the window behind it and the light on your face.  If you’re planning to shoot throughout the day, it’s important to account for the changing position of the sun.  Even if you aren’t trying to pull off an all-day shoot, it tends to disappear behind the clouds every now and again, and you’ll want to be prepared for unexpected changes in weather.  Lighting tips for YouTube videos typically include minimizing shadows whenever possible and moving to avoid unwanted castings on the background.

Here’s a simple lighting tips for YouTube videos right from the pros… invest in a semi-pro lighting kit.  You can fine pretty inexpensive LED lighting kits on Amazon for under $150, that will come with 2 to 3 LED lights with soft boxes. These lighting kits usually come with an ability to dim, so should be able to adjust to light to get the perfect amount of light output.  Having the addition soft box accessory makes to light less harsh on your face, diffusing unwanted shadows and blown-out highlights. These kits usually come with a 3rd light called a hair light. This light will prevent you from appearing blended with the background, as this minor optical illusion of separation will make you the vocal point of the frame. You would be surprised with the amount production qualify using a light kit will give your YouTube videos.   

If you have everything you could potentially need in the room with you up front, you’ll eliminate downtime in between shoots.  Consider taking time for a “light check” day before you actually want to record.  Then, practice shooting in different areas of your room with the equipment you have on hand to find out what works best and when.  On the big day, follow these simple lighting tips for YouTube videos and you’ll feel more prepared and less anxious about any missing details!

To learn more about Pro Lighting Tips You Can Pull Off at Home, feel free to sign up for our next FREE Virtual Open Call. On this free Virtual Open Call, you will learn about the recent changes in the modeling and acting industries that is opening the doors for more job opportunities. You will learn cutting-edge ways to gain access to a st