To take a risk or not take a risk – that is the question.  When you’re at an audition, there’s a fine line between being memorable and standing out for all the wrong reasons.  So, what’s considered acceptable and what’s not when it comes to risks, and how do you know the difference between the two?  Here are five out of the box ways you may want to consider showcasing your skills that are a bit riskier, but not so much so that you’ll make a total fool of yourself.

Here is the first risk that will pay off.

Being authentic and coming across as if you’ve completely forgotten that you were acting at all is a risk that’s bound to get noticed – in a good way.  Try letting your guard down and communicating authentically or reciting the lines in a way in which your true self shines though.  Most actors who show up to auditions get so caught up in how they’re going to present, they forget about how they’re coming across, and they become too afraid to take risks.  Hyper-focusing on technique and ‘overacting’ will project a level of phoniness that is simply unflattering.  It takes a lot of confidence to let your true self come out in the audition room and this will be memorable.

Here is the second risk that will pay off.

Go against the grain – to a point.  How many times has life thrown a curveball and you’ve had to make a split-second decision to do something that you normally, if you had time to think and plan it out, might not have done?  Life presents choices all the time that are unexpected and which force us to take risks.  Oftentimes, decisions aren’t based on weeks of preparation and don’t go exactly as planned.  Think of the audition room as just another spot in which you ended up and have a decision to make.  You can either make your time there memorable or you can recite your lines like a broken record and blend in with the crowd.  The choice is yours.

Here is the third risk that will pay off.

Another way you can be sure to stand out is to choose a character that sings and/or dances.  Yes, this may be a risk that’s a bit uncomfortable and adds a level of complexity to your audition, but it’s not an everyday choice, which is really what you’ll want to go for if you want to be one of the few who get a callback.  Don’t have the moves?  Consider taking classes ahead of time.  Can’t carry a note?  Maybe it’s time to squeeze in some vocal lessons.  Entertainment really is all about entertaining so and the more ways you can do this, the better.  These risks show range, and range is what gets noticed.

Not every audition risk is going to pay off and you’ll want to contemplate the risk versus reward potential before it’s your time to show off what you’ve got.  But a little extra confidence and pizzazz can go a long way.  And sometimes it’s about trial and error when it comes to risks.  You’ll have to bat a few strikes before you hit a homerun.

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