If you’ve scored a meeting with an agent, you are probably more than ecstatic about it!  This is a significant step in the right direction career-wise.  Now, you’ll want to get ready for the big day.  There are a few things you’ll definitely want to have in your back pocket and there are also a few things that you’ll want to avoid.  Here are some tips for avoiding problems with your agent 

Here is the first way to avoid problems with your agent.
If you don’t know too much about the agency at which you’re interviewing, do your own research ahead of time.  The last thing you’ll want to do is start asking questions you could have easily found answers to online.  These resources are on the agent’s page for a reason.  The questions just waste time in the interview room, which can stir up problems right off the bat.  The agent will want to work with someone who has taken the initiative to gain some knowledge before the big day.

Here is the second way to avoid problems with our agent.
If you want to avoid problems with your agent, don’t ask any questions for which the response is obvious.  For example, if you are a 20-year-old female, don’t ask the agent if they are well-versed in working with your demographic.  The answer is likely ‘yes,’ and that’s precisely why they’re interested in you.  Even if it’s ‘no,’ would that really change anything?  Agents don’t have to represent every demographic to have knowledge about what they need to do to work with you. 

Here is the third way to avoid problems with our agent.
After you’re interview, if you need a contract, trust the agent has your best interest in mind.  You don’t have to call every day.  You definitely don’t have to swing by the office repeatedly.  The communicative terms should already be evident in you contract and you should expect to follow these.  Being overly intrusive is a turn off and is sure to cause undo problems.

Here is the fourth way to avoid problems with our agent.
If you need to have a follow up meeting with your agent, and you will likely have to periodically check-in, make sure you’re valuing the agent’s time.  Most meetings last roughly thirty minutes.  Always come to these meetings prepared to ask specific questions you’ve written out in advance.  This will help to ensure you stay on the right track and feel comfortable with the information received when you leave.  The agent’s time is valuable.  Your time is valuable.  Always remember this to avoid problems.

Also, again, don’t call daily.  This is a big no-no.  Think about it – would you want someone who you know only professionally to call to chat every day?  Trust that the agent has your best interest in mind and is working on getting you booked in role.  Yes, it can be frustrating if you haven’t heard from them for a minute.  But it will only cause problems if you start appearing overly eager and the agent has to repeat themselves time and again that they are working on it.

Landing a contract with an agent is an awesome step.  Once you’re able to sign on the bottom line, you’ll want to treat this person with the same respect you’d expect to receive.  This is a professional, working relationship – not a personal one.  To avoid any problems, it’s important that you treat it as such.  There should be mutual respect for each other’s time and talents.  This will allow the relationship to work long-term!

To learn more Ways to Avoid Problems with Your Agent, feel free to sign up for our next FREE Online Workshop. On this free Online Workshop, you will learn about the recent changes in the modeling and acting industries that is opening the doors for more job opportunities. You will also learn cutting-edge ways to h