Welcome season 2  of The Change Troubleshooter – The sustainability Season.

Today’s episode is called: What does an activist look like? 

What image is conjured up we hear the word activist? We may think of dirty, straggly haired ultra extremist radical types, chained to railings or dug in in tunnels, risking life and limb and even arrest and imprisonment, in defence of their true and noble cause, so strong are their convictions.

 But if we’re honest with ourselves, we know they’re not all like that. So, what does an activist look like?

Nina spoke to Zoe Cohen, Director of Shine Coaching and Consultancy, a highly experienced Master Coach who has worked with senior leaders across every sector in the economy. 

She’s run her successful coaching practice for over 10 years and has been passionate about sustainability all her life. 

Zoe is also an active member of Extinction Rebellion.

This episode is also available as a video. Click here to watch it.