Previous Episode: Lessons from the Breadlady

It is funny how, looking back, distinct paths and interconnections can be found. It is, sometimes, tempting to see them as clear paths that we are destined to follow. However, sometimes, they are coincidence or simply a case that one can spot significance after the event. But they can also be 'love letters written in canal water'. 

Journal entry:

 21st June, Tuesday, Summer Solstice.

“Mist burns off the water, baptising the canal in red and gold.

Three newly hatched moorhens, a chaos of fluff and bald-headed, 
      walk on water on a broken iris leaf. 

On the opposite bank, a smallish carp, asleep in death, 
      lies in the middle of the towpath, 

            light flecking off the lively scales. 

Just down from here the body of a vole floats on the listless current. 

How do I make sense of all this?
        Can I really live kindly and with joy on this earth?

Those three moorhen seem to know. 
 They walk on water.”  

Episode Information:

For those wanting to watch Steve Tyrell’s wonderfully soothing and informative cruise click this link: Cruising the Ashby Canal!!! The sound of a Gardner 2LW. You can see more of Steve’s videos on his YouTube channel: Narrowboat Precious Jet. It is well worth a look if you are interested in the more practical aspects of boat-life (which I tend to stay away from!).

I also refer to the lyrics of ‘Society’ written by Jerry Hannan and, probably, most famously sung by Eddie Vedder as part of the OST for the film Into the Wild. There are numerous YouTube videos of this song. The official version is: ‘Society’ OST. A version featuring the lyrics (with rather idiosyncratic spelling) is: ‘Society’ with Lyrics.

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