Previous Episode: One day last summer
Next Episode: February Dawning

Canals and railways are often very close near neighbours and so trains can be a frequent part of the canal soundscapes. This week we explore why the sound of a train in the distance (thanks to Paul Simon) can be so evocative which gives me the opportunity to reminisce about my childhood and revisit some wonderful poems. 

Journal entry:

  24th January, Tuesday.

“Racing head. Not much sleep.
 So I am out here, trying to walk it out.

The ground crunches and splinters into Icy shards.
 The kingfisher pool has now frozen over.
 Today, the ice, the cold, seem to exhibit a deliberate malevolence.

In front of me the morning sun emerges above the trees
 Making the canal ice and frosted towpath glitter with golden fire.
 I stride out of the woods.
 Today, for a while, I walk on jewels and sun light. 

Episode Information:

In this episode I read the following poems:

Philip Larkin – ‘Whitsun Weddings’ (excerpt)
Edward Thomas – ‘Adlestrop
Paul Simon – ‘A Poem on the Underground Wall’ (excerpt)
Robert Louis Stevenson – ‘From a Railway Carriage
WH Auden – ‘Night Mail

You can watch the film, Night Mail, free (and I highly recommend it!) at the BFI website: Night Mail.
You can watch Vanessa and Zephyr on The Mindful Narrowboat.

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