Robert W. Sullivan IV is a philosopher, historian, antiquarian, jurist, lay theologian, mystic, radio-TV personality, writer, best-selling author, CEO and lawyer. Cinema Symbolism 2 unveils some of cinema's greatest mysteries. For example, The Shining's Stuart Ullman wears red, white, and blue and has an American flagon his desk because the Overlook Hotel is the embodiment of the sinister side of American patriotism. The Overlook Hotel was built on an Indian burial ground symbolizing the United States, which was likewise forged at the expense of theNative American nations thus "burying them" which most tend to overlook hence the hotel's apt name. Indians were placed on Reservations; as such the hotel has no choice but to incorporate some "Navajo and Apache motifs,"according to Ullman. Did you know that Albus Dumbledore personifiesthe legendary Hellenistic Egyptian sage Thoth Hermes Mercurius Trismegistus? Or that in Magic, the Fats dummy was created specifically to look like Anthony Hopkins in order to symbolize the shadow self of his character, Charles "Corky" Withers. Likewise, 9 ½ Weeks' Elizabeth McGraw is consumed by a fetish for black silk stockings which enablesher to release her dark sensual side, allowing her to alchemically embrace hererotic shadow.