Rebecca Hardcastle Wright, PhD, founded the Institute for Exoconsciousness to research and apply the abilities of human consciousness sourced in extraterrestrial contact. She created the concept of Exoconsciousness to study of the extraterrestrial origins, dimensions and abilities of human consciousness.Rebecca's signature is bridging consciousness science and extraterrestrial experiencers. Her work encourages us to explore the questions: Do humans have an innate ability to experience extraterrestrial contact? And if so, how does it manifest and what are the implications for our species, our planet and the universe?Exoconsciousness is confirmation of humanity's relationship with the Extraterrestrial Presence. At its heart, it is a social, cultural movement that joins with consciousness scientists, energy healers, spiritual beings, paranormal researchers and near death experiencers to transform how we know ourselves. Her research has broad implications for brain-based neuroscience, transhumanism and quantum based cosmic consciousness. ​Rebecca's commitment is helping ET experiencers live healthy, integrated and affirmed lives--finding their voice, their power, their community. For Rebecca, the most important thing is "the work of investigating through science and experiences that our human species is created, equipped to experience ET Contact--and that this ability is sourced in our consciousness--our Exoconsciousness." ​Exoconsciousness normalizes psychic abilities, superpowers, once thought beyond human capacity, as essential for a 21st century species in direct contact with extraterrestrials. She refers to this holistic integration of ET contact experiences that accelerates higher consciousness as "living in the non-local with your feet on the ground." Her research focuses on telepathic communication as well as psychokinesis and the creation of a consciousness craft for space travel.Rebecca is the author of Exoconsciousness: Your 21st Century Mind (2008). In this emerging field, she collaborates with consciousness scientists associated with Quantrek,a zero point energy research group, and the Institute of Noetic Sciences. She is a frequent guest on radio talk shows, appears in films and is a featured keynote speaker. ​In 2005, Rebecca taught one of the first ufology courses in the United States at Scottsdale Community College, in Scottsdale, Arizona. Currently, she is on the faculty of International Metaphysical University (IMU), where she teaches Exoconsciousness. ​Rebecca has extensive experience working with UFO and extraterrestrial experiencers. Practicing as a healer, coach and hypnotherapist, Rebecca, a life-long ETI experiencer, developed the field of Exoconsciousness while working with UFO and extraterrestrial contactees. Rebecca trained with Ruth Hover, PhD, who was affiliated with Harvard's John Mack, MD and his Program for Extraordinary Experience Research (PEER). Raised in Clarksburg and Buckhannon, West Virginia, Rebecca then moved to Dayton, Ohio. While living in Phoenix, Arizona, Rebecca was active in the Phoenix Lights community who witnessed the largest and longest mass UFO sighting in the United States. Currently she lives in Washington, DC. Rebecca received her bachelor's degree in philosophy and religion from Otterbein University. She studied continental philosophy (Karl Jaspers concentration) at the Institute for European Studies in Basel, Switzerland. She received a Master of Divinity in philosophical theology at Boston University School of Theology. Rebecca received her doctorate in Parapsychic Science from American Institute of Holistic Theology. She earned her hypnotherapy and life coaching certification from Southwest Institute of Healing Arts.