Jeremiah Fountain has been a cryptid and paranormal investigator about 20 years now. Specializing in Sasquatch and Dogman. Also an ex MMA fighter. From a logging family in the Adirondacks of Upstate New York. Wife and I live on one of the family properties that is inhabited by a family of Sasquatch. As well as Dogmen. Have had three up close and personal encounters with Sasquatch, one in 2000, one in 2007, then a sighting in 2016 and another encounter in 2019 while living in NC. Two Dogman encounters, one in 2016 and one in 2019 both on the property we live on. And a few other weird experiences while living in NC with other unknown entities. Host of Podcast, On the Trail in Search of Living Legends with partner Nick Valente. Also host of The Cryptid Consortium with partners Nick Valente and Gary Spikes Junior. I do this because it's a passion. And I believe in helping other people that have seen these entities and sometimes have problems with them. I believe as a researcher it is my duty to help people and spread the truth. Not only that but Cryptozoology has been a passion ever since I was a little boy. I am also founder of FB group. On the Trail.....Cryptid Paranormal Research Group and the New York State Director for the International Dogman Project New York Chapter. Under founder and partner Nick Valente. I look for no personal gain in doing what I do. I believe it is our duty as researchers to help others and spread knowledge and awareness.

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