Dr. Robert E. Farrell received his Bachelor of Science in mechanical engineering from The Ohio State
University, his MBA from Western New England College, and his Doctor of Engineering from the University
of Massachusetts. He is now retired from Penn State University as Associate Professor Emeritus.
Over twenty-five years ago, he began doing serious research for his science fiction series of novels;
Alien Log, Alien Log II: The New World Order, Alien Log III: The Dulce Affair, and Alien Log IV: The
Antarctica Affair.
His research has led him to believe that beyond Earth there is life which is not only technically but also
spiritually more advanced than humans. For thousands of years, people have seen highly sophisticated craft
capable of high g maneuvers and accelerations beyond 100 g’s. Dr. Farrell has concluded this is only possible if
gravitational field propulsion is used. This led him to develop his lecture and book entitled, The Science
Behind Alien Encounters as a way to enlighten laypeople about ufology.

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