Melissa is a career coach, and in this conversation, she considers practical steps to be used by those that are at risk or have lost their jobs in these times. We discuss the importance of looking at your network, including those that you know like friends, family, colleagues, and the importance of putting out feelers for opportunities, especially if you are looking to do something different.

She also covers ways that you can use professional networks like Linked In. In this conversation, Melissa covers topics like structuring your message, applying for jobs using CVs, and completing online application forms. You will get some tips around structuring your message and updating your CV, completing online application forms.

Melissa builds recruitment systems, so she provides an insight into the things to watch when applying for jobs. Companies nowadays are using recruitment tools that look for keywords and skills that could rule you out if your application is not done correctly. This means that you maybe be rejected without being screened properly, as a recruiter might not have seen your CV at this stage.