Noa – also known as Achinoam Nini – is one of Israel’s most acclaimed artists. In 2009 she represented Israel at Eurovision, along with Palestinian-Israeli musician Mira Awad.

This was recorded at her NIF event in Sydney last year. It includes some of her stirring music and also provided an opportunity for the audience to talk with her about social justice and human rights issues in Israel.

She was on stage performing at the peace rally in Tel Aviv in 1995 just moments before Yitzhak Rabin's assassination and, more recently, sung Hatikva at the "50 Years Out" rally, calling for an end to the occupation on the 50th anniversary of the Six-Day War.

Noa’s also known for her work promoting peace and equality in the region, and in just one her roles is a member of NIF’s governing board in Israel.

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Other links:

Video of Noa and her definition of Zionism Video of Noa and thoughts on criticism of Israel